Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Amongst the chaos.

A couple of months ago I purchased my first kiln and LOVE it!!! It has to be the best things I have ever bought. The kiln I bought is small but it is perfect for what I want to use it for. Enamelling on metal has become a new passion of mine. It makes sense after working with glass. A perfect combination :))) Unfortunately I've only been able to play with it a couple of times as things became quite chaotic with my Daughter breaking her arm and various other things so this has to take a back seat and just taunt me.

I've been asked to do a couple commissions recently completely unexpected and I'm very excited can't wait to get my teeth into them after Christmas. Jewellery is such a personal thing and when you get people actually asking you to make them something specific, especially if it has a story behind it, it has to be one of the biggest compliments and very rewarding when it's made.

Might actually get around to posting some photos of some of my pieces soon!


Thursday, 19 April 2012

Getting started

Now that was a challenge in itself - Choosing a name, doing a search and seeing what comes up, only to find that not just one person, but a few others got there before you and so it's back to the drawing board for you...Phew! At least that's done and now the fun can begin.....
Something about me- My Name is Kerry and I am a student at the moment studying Jewellery & Silversmithing. I am hoping to start up my own business in the not so distant future making and selling Jewellery and a variety of things made out of glass. I will add more info and post photos etc later, I'm just testing the water at the moment. :-)

The name was partially inspired by the fact that I have always been keen of anything that sparkles. As a child I also had a pet Jackdaw called Hockney that I would regularly go out and catch grasshoppers for. I didn't realise that this skill would later come in handy when I showed my Children how to do this. My son was quite keen to learn as he is fascinated by nature. :) The rest of the name speaks for itself :) The name was put together by my cousin in the end :) I told her the names I had in mind and this is what she came up with and I thought it worked well and couldn't believe that with all the names I'd been playing with that I didn't put the two together myself!