Saturday, 2 March 2013

Playing with pewter.

Not long ago at college we were introduced to pewter as a material and I have to say that I loved working with it. I think my previous experience from working with glass and lead gave me a little insight into how this metal worked and I was surprised at how natural it felt to use it.

I made a few rings that were inspired by a Victorian rose seal that I was given by my Father when I was a teenager and have always thought that one day I would of liked to get someone to make me a rose seal ring, but now find myself in a position to make my own rose seal ring which is a very pleasing thought and find.

          This ring was made by casting the pewter in a mould with a master that I made.

I made this ring with the intention of it being a nice piece of jewellery that also had another function. We now live in a world where very few people actually write letters by hand but tend to send a quick email. I personally am not that good at writing letters these days either, but really love it when a friend has taken the time to write and post me a letter, but it's also really nice just to recieve something other than a bill in the post. I thought it would be nice to bring back some romance and passion. I am a hopeless romantic at heart and the rose is a symbol of both love and beauty.

The following two rings were made when I was experimenting with pewter sheet. Parts of the ring did melt, but I was pleased with the results- not bad for a first attempt. I will be making more of these in the future because of the response I got. :)

This range of rings have been  popular with some friends and I have been asked to make some more.

            My Victorian rose seal :)

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